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Stop Losing Requests! Learn Graceful Shutdown Techniques

Look at this.

I will send a request to the application,…

curl ""

…and simulate failure or upgrade or any similar action by deleting the Pod where the application is running.

kubectl --namespace a-team delete pod \

The output of the curl command is as follows.

<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

Since we initiated the delete process before the server returned a response we got 502 Bad Gateway message. The application was deleted before it could respond and I, the user of that application, failed to get what I was looking for. That’s horrible experience that could have been improved by enabling the application to shut down gracefully.

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Surviving Backstage with Roadie: A Developer’s Nightmare or Dream?

Today I want to talk about potentially the most important tool in your toolbox. I want to talk about a tool that might enable everyone in your organization to be more productive and self-sufficient. Yet, the tool I want to talk about might win an award for the least user-friendly, hardest to maintain, and, generally speaking, a tool that might cause you to have nightmares and spend a small fortune on a psychologist.

It’s a tool that I recognize as being one of the most impactful tools which, honestly, I do not like at all, yet most of those who use it swear by it.

Did you guess what that tool is?

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Master Terminal Multiplexing with Zellij in Minutes!

Let me show you something exciting, something that makes me much more productive.

I am going to execute command zellij, specify a name of the session (crossplane-kubernetes), and a layout (test-layout.kdl), and…

zellij --session crossplane-kubernetes --layout test-layout.kdl


There’s everything I need, nicely split into tabs and panes.

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Automate Everything: How One Manifest Powers Your Entire DevOps Pipeline

Today I want to get back to the first steps when developer platforms are concerned. I want to enable developers to start a new project.

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The Dark Side of Open Source: Are We All Just Selfish?

There’s a lot of talk about open source and about some companies, big and small, taking advantage of it, and about some other companies changing licenses of their projects to be less permissive. Those conversations often end up with people yelling at each other. “Damn MongoDB for changing their license!” “AWS is evil for taking advantage of Elastic!” “Env0 is taking advantage of HashiCorp!” “F**K HashiCorp!” “Long live Elastic!

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Master Your New Laptop Setup: Tools, Configs, and Secrets!

This is a new machine. I just got it. It has nothing on it beyond what’s available out-of-the box.

Actually, that’s not true. The only thing I did was to clone a Git repo. That’s it. That’s all I have on this machine, for now.

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