Application Management

Exploring KCL: Configuration and Data Structure Language; CUE and Pkl Replacement?

I’m in pain… and it’s self-inflicted… and I like it.

I tend to go through an endless number of tools, services, and format in search for better ways to do my job. I’m never satisfied. I always think that there is something better out there. So I go through pain of learning a new tool or a language only to jump into a new one shortly afterwards. Spending endless hours going through new stuff does not make sense, but I can’t help myself. Hopefully, I might save you from doing it yourself. That’s my goal. Go through the pain of trying out everything so that you don’t have to.

Is Pkl the Ultimate Data Format? Unveiling the Challenger to YAML, JSON, and CUE

Pkl is CUE killer!

Pkl is JSON and YAML killer!

Those are two sentences I heard lately. The former could be the case, while the latter is just silly. Let me explain.