Mastering Kubernetes: Volumes (emptyDir, CSI Drivers, Storage Classes, Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims, ConfigMaps, and Secrets)
Today we’ll go through Kubernetes volumes. We’ll explore local volumes like emptyDir, CSI Drivers, Storage Classes, Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims, ConfigMaps, and Secrets. It does not matter what you do in Kubernetes, volumes are unavoidable. You will use them, so you need to understand what they’re used for, when to use them, and how to use them.
Master Kubernetes Backups with Velero: Step-by-Step Guide
Do you think your Kubernetes clusters are safe and able to withstand anything and everything?
Truth be told, Kuberentes is very resilient. It was designed to be highly available and fault tollerant. You hopefully know all that and, if you do, you probably also know that nothing is 100% resilient. Bad things happen. Unexpected things happen, and we should be prepared for anything and everything. Backups are a part of that preparation. We are or, at least, we should be creating them regularly in hope that we’ll never have to restore any of them. Yet, we might be in a situation when restoring a backup is our last option, especially in cases when a cluster is completely gone and the only option left is to create a new one and restore a backup which, hopefully, should result in the new cluster running the same resources, having the same data, showing the same logs, and everything else that we had in the old cluster that is now dead.
Your Cluster Is Not Safe: The Dark Side of Backups
We all want to feel safe. That’s why we create backups. We want to know that our systems will survive no mather what happens.
The feeling of safety is very very important, and I need to appologise in advance for what I’m about to say.
You are NOT safe. If the disaster happens, you might not be able to survive it.
Here’s why.
Backups alone are not enough!; especially if its only one type of a backup.
When the day of reckoning comes, you will NOT be saved!
Let me prove that to you.
Scaling Explained Through Kubernetes HPA, VPA, KEDA & Cluster Autoscaler
Scaling is probably one of the most important aspects of computing, and a common cause of bankrupcy.
If our processes use more memory and CPU than what they need, they are wasting money or “stealing” those resources from others thus making them less efficient. On the other hand,if we give processes less memory and CPU than what they need, their performance will be affected negatively making user experience suck. And that’s the good outcome. Much worse situation is that underpowered processes might crash with “out of memory” and other similar exceptions.
Hence, the goal is to assign just the right amount of resources to processes. Not too much, not to few, but just right. We do that through scaling, and we need to answer three questions.
- What do we scale?
- Where do we scale?
- Who scales?
Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Service and Network APIs
In the Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Workloads APIs video we explored Kubernetes Workload APIs. We saw the differences between Pods, ReplicaSets, Jobs, Deployments, StatefulSets, DaemonSets, and CronJobs.
When I asked whether it would be interesting to explore another set of Kubernetes APIs, you overwhelmed me with responses that all say “Yes. Do more!” So, today we will continue where we left.
Single Pane of Glass for Kubernetes Clusters with Clusterpedia
For a while now, we have tools that promise that we can manage a fleet of Kubernetes clusters as one, yet they all failed to do just that. They all failed to provide a single pane of glass for all the clusters in a fleet. All the tools I know eventually show us what is happening in a single cluster and, honestly, I don’t need tools for that. I can easily see what’s going on in a cluster with kubectl or any, literally any, Kubernetes dashboard. What I’m missing, and what all the tools I tried so far fail to deliver, is a single pane of glass for all my Kubernetes clusters.
Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Workloads APIs
You might be new to Kubernetes or you might have been working with it for a while. No matter your experience level, you might not be aware of all the Kubernetes Workload APIs.
Mastering Kubernetes Testing Kyverno Chainsaw!
Testing is important, no matter what you’re working on. If you write Java code, you need to test it. If you’re managing infrastructure, you need to test it. If you’re working with IoT, you need to test it. There is no excuse not to test while working and before moving it to production. Testing while working allows us to work more efficiently. Testing before moving something to production allows us to have confidence that it will not explode.
Now, today’s session will not focus on all the ways we can test something. I will not go into mad rant explaining the importance of test-driven development, test automation, CI/CD pipelines, or anything else related to testing.